Wednesday, November 16, 2005
About Me
- Name: PMG
- Location: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Science background: BSc, Ohio State Univ.; MSc, Univ. of Illinois; NOAA Sea Grant Trainee, UCLA, Harbor General Hospital, Torrance, CA; cardiovascular training, Univ. of Iowa; PhD, Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland (physiology); neuroscience fellowship, NIMH, NIH, Bethesda; first faculty appointment, Dept. of Neurosurgery, SUNY-Stony Brook; Karger Memorial Award, Basel, Switzerland; 2nd faculty appointment, Queen's Univ., Kingston, ON; Director, Neurosurgical Research Unit, Dept. of Surgery, Kingston General Hospital; Research Scholar, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario; cofounder, Neurochem Inc., CroMedica Inc., Berry Wise Inc., Publication history: 71 citations on PubMed, 85 total papers & book chapters, one medical science book (editor) and a new book on wolfberries -- Wolfberry book is now published June 2006 P.M. Gross, PhD, X. Zhang, MD, R. Zhang. Wolfberry: Nature's Bounty of Nutrition and Health, Booksurge Publishing, ISBN 1419620487, URL for,